
A conference, an influencer and a bold move

When I decided to try to write a book, the only certainty I had was that I was not an expert on a lot of topics I wanted to write about. So I knew that to make sure I was writing a book that was correct regarding the industry standard I would need to studyā€¦ a lot. For instance, I have a whole chapter dedicated on software developers: expectations for each phase of the career, the myth of the superhero developer and the ā€œsoftā€ vs ā€œhardā€ skills.

I'm not the best

A chess board with the white pieces close and faded and the black pieces in focus.

All my career I worked in places where people were better than me. Likeā€¦ way better, in one thing or another. They were truly exceptional people.

Awesome (free) contents to study computer science

A keyboard picture slightly faded

I didnā€™t study computer science in college and I never took a ā€œformalā€ programming course. Without going into too much detail, I want to reaffirm that, looking at the past, I by no means believe that having gone to another college (different from the profession I have today) was a waste of time. <! - more -> A university teaches many things that you cannot learn by yourself, behind a computer, sinking in a sea of content.

How I deal with my impostor syndrome

a person sitting with their head down on a black background

As the years went by, I developed a framework to deal with my impostor syndrome in different scales it occurs. It is not something super complex or with a deep theoretical background, but it worked for me and Iā€™ve been using it for the past year.

How to review someone else's code

Code review is a complicated task and can become overwhelming, specially when you have no idea how to do it. However, code review can be a powerful tool to increase code quality and assure ā€œhealthyā€ deploys.

There is just too much information..


On the last post I have written some tips for those who are starting in the world of programming, but today I want to talk something that happened to me before, and is happening to me now: There is just too much information on the internet! You will say that this is an obvious observation, but when you want to study something, this is just overwhelming!

Growing as an engineer at Stripe

Many many moons ago, I wrote a blog post about what was like in my first 6 months at Stripe. Since then, a lot has happened including a whole pandemic and me spending every free hour writing my own book. Because of that and many more things, I never got to write a second piece to what I was initially hoping to be a once-a-year kind of blog post.

A mountain tale

A guy is setting on the top of a mountain and watching a beautiful sunset. The light is so bright you almost can't see the landscape.

There are people who can play the piano wonderfully while others canā€™t even clap in rhythm (me). There are people who can express themselves well and people who cannot deal with the countless thoughts that flow through their brain. There are multiple types of intelligence. In the past few days I have had several philosophical conversations with people of all kinds. A recurring theme was a feeling of inability, of mediocrity, mixed with drops of sadness and a handful of blindness.

From Oceanographer to self-taught developer working at Stripe

A photo of a microphone with a retro-style and a faded background

Leticia is a Brazilian developer who changed career to web development four years ago. She previously worked as an Oceanographer but caught the coding bug! Now she works as a developer at the payments solution company Stripe. She is a great example of a software engineer without a CS degree who has a successful career.

The Ambicious women

The lovely Pyladies-Salvador asked for a text to debut their blog and told me that they would publish it on Womenā€™s Day. I reflected a lot on what to write, what I could somehow add to that day that has so much meaning, and decided that I would like to talk to you about ambition. How ambitious do you consider yourself?

Dev for dummies

Few months ago I decided to drop my career as an oceanographer and decided to become a backend developer with Python, as I told some of you here. After my blog post circulates on the internet, I got an invitation to talk on the Caipyra conference, in RibeirĆ£o Preto (thanks Marco Rougeth).

Should I speak at this event?

A black woman wearing glasses and a blazer is on a whiteboard while a blond woman in sitting looking to the whiteboard with a tablet on her hand

A friend of mine told me this week that she was invited to give a talk at a conference, and asked me what I thought about it. I told her all the things I consider when giving a talk and I discovered I consider a lot of things!

My first year as a developer

One year ago I started my new job as a Backend Python Developer. I have dropped a career, a profession and I almost drop my master degree. When everything happened, I think I didnā€™t understand the proportions that decision would have in my life. Now, one year later, I want to tell you a little bit about what happened this year.