
Hi! Welcome to my corner on the internet :)
While writing this I am wondering what would you like to know about me. I usually try to summarize it in one phrase: I am an oceanographer that discovered to be passionate about programming and decided to change careers. But it feels… simplistic, I guess? Well… I guess every summary is a simplistic thing. If this is what you are looking for, great! Go away in peace and don’t mind the long text that follows
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I started as a software developer in 2016, after switching careers almost by accident. Programming was my hobby. The thing I would study when I felt like I wanted to learn something. I didn’t have any perspectives of ever being more than a fun activity I would try now and then. As someone that taught myself how to program, this path to becoming a software developer (and later actually feeling like I deserved the title) was bumpy and hard. I wanted to give up many times. There are lots of posts in this blog where I tell in detail about my frustrations, my failures and I don’t sugar-coat my struggles. It’s all here, plain and honest.
This blog started as a way of sharing knowledge and learning about my new career. The texts evolve over time and topics vary from very technical texts to random thoughts about life.
In my many attempts to study and share knowledge, I created a podcast in Brazil, called Pizza de Dados, with my dear friend Jessica Temporal. The name is a joke with Pizza and the Brazilian word for data (and dice!). Pizza de Dados was the first podcast of data science in Brazil and has had an important role in bringing quality content in Portuguese. The pandemic hit us hard and we haven’t produced many episodes, but it’s still alive and I am very proud of it. So, if you ask me about it… I’ll probably go on and on about my baby <3.
I couldn’t talk about myself and my career without talking about the Python community. Being part of the Python community is the whole reason I am here. They are the best people I’ve known and I will never be able to repay everything they’ve done to me. Everything I have in my life is somewhat related to this beautiful community. I will always do my best to give it back. In 2021, I was awarded an award from the Python Brazil community for all my efforts in sharing knowledge. It’s hard to think that I deserve it, considering that I am simply returning everything that was done for me.
Finally, on more personal notes, I am a travel addict. You can always find me on travel websites and maps trying to figure out what trips I can manage with my time and budget. I started writing about my trips but there’s still many trips I haven’t added there. If you like them, let me know :)
I am also a crazy reader. I definitely buy more books that I can read and I am always interested in knowing about a good book I haven’t read yet. I like fiction books even though I tend to buy lots of non-fiction books. I probably read 1 non-fiction to every 5 novels I read (ooops). I think that The Chronicles of Ice and Fire are my biggest addiction and I am currently re-reading them in English as I wait for the next book. But I have many other favorite books and I listed some of them here.
Yeah… this is me! Well, parts of me at least. Hope this answered some of the questions that may have brought you here. If you like some of the texts, please leave a comment! If you have a cool idea to discuss, let’s have a chat on any of my social networks. And if you really enjoy everything I’ve done, consider buying me a coffee :)
As you’ve seen, it has been a crazy journey that I never saw coming! But now that’s here, I am happy beyond I could ever imagine.
If you want, contact me at contact @ leportella . com
