Data Science

Predicting victims on national roads in Brazil - Part I

This week, I finished my Nanodegree in Machine Learning Engineer by Udacity. To finish the course, I had to create a final study. Talking with a dear friend of mine, Pedro, he said that the National Highway Police of Brazil had a dataset on car accidents in federal roads. I decided to study this dataset, and try to predict which types of victims an accident would have based on the local, hour and accident characateristics.

We need to talk about Julia language

Julia is a programming language that I heard a lot for some time now and I knew it deserved my attention. However, a number of libraries and frameworks for machine learning and deep learning keep emerging and I ended up prioritizing them first.

Predicting victims on national roads in Brazil - Part II

This is the second part of my study on predicting the type of victims an accident can have based on the data from the National Highway Police (Polícia Rodoviária Federal), in Brazil. This was my final report for my Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree and my first technical diploma in the computer science field (yey!).