- Good when you have an idea of an ideal number of clusters
- Can scale well with lots of samples, scale medium with number of clusters
- Doesn’t handle missing values very well
- Can’t find clusters that aren’t circular or spherical
Choosing the value of K
For choosing the value of k cluster we can use the elbow method:
from sklearn.clusters import Kmeans
from sklearn.metrics import silhouette_score
X = pd.DataFrame(...)
possible_k_values = range(2, len(X)+1, 5)
scores = []
for k in possible_k_values:
model = Kmeans(n_clusters=k).fit(X)
prediction = model.predict(X)
score = silhouette_score(X, predictions)
scores.append((k, score))
Then find the best numbers of clusters by choosing a k that has a lower score of errors but can still be good enough for your problem.
Hierarchical Clustering
- Resulting hierarchical representation can be very informative
- Provides an additional ability to visualize
- Especially potent when the dataset contains real hierarchical relationship (e.g. Evolutionary biology)
- Sensitive to noise and outliers
- Computationally intensive O(N^2)
Implementation on Sklearn
from sklearn import cluster
X = pd.DataFrame(...)
cls = cluster.AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=3, linkage='ward')
labels = cls.predict(X)
Get a dendrogram from a hierarchical clustering
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import dendogram, ward
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
X = pd.DataFrame(...)
linkage_matrix = ward(X)
- We don’t need to specify the number of clusters
- Flexibility in shapes and sizes of clusters
- Able to deal with noise and outliers
- Border points that are reachable from two clusters is assigned to the cluster that finds it first
- Faces difficulty finding clusters of varying densities
- Small min samples and small episilon results in many small clusters
- Small min samples and large episilon results in most points being on the same cluster
- Large min samples results in most of points being classified as noise, except on desen regions when episilon is high
- Do not use silhouetter coefficient to test this model! Recomendado
Gaussian Mixture Model
- Soft-clustering (you can see percentages of cluster participation on each sample)
- Cluster shape flexibility
- Sensitive to initialization values
- Possible to converge to a local optimum
- Slow convergence rate
General References
- Choosing a machine learning classifier
- 1
- Sklearn documentation on Neighbors
- 3
- Sklearn documentation on Stochatic Gradient Descent
- Sklearn documentation on Ensemble Methods
- Logistic Regression Wikipedia
- Logistic Regression for machine learning
- What are the advantages of logistic regression
- The disadvantages of Logistic Regression